SWISH Taunton

Free Postal STI Test Kit

Live locally? You may be eligible for a free postal STI test kit, sign in or check for local services.

Order Test Kit 

SWISH Taunton
Somerset Wide Integrated Sexual Health Service
Mill Stream House
Castle Street


This clinic has 0 SmartKits in stock for collection.

Current stock includes 0 Type A (for urine/swab), 0 Type B (for urine and blood sampling), 0 Type C (for swab and blood sampling) and 0 Type D (for swab/urine, rectal, throat and blood sampling).


However, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic we have made some changes to the way we provide some of our services. We are minimising non-essential face to face contact to protect you and our staff, but please rest assured that if you need to be seen we will be able to see you safely. Please contact us for a telephone or video consultation for sexual health advice, contraception and if you have sexual health symptoms you are concerned about (0300 1245010)

  0300 124 5010

  SWISH Website

Offers Asymptomatic Screening
Services for Symptomatic MSM/Trans Patients
Services for Symptomatic MSW Patients
Services for Symptomatic Female Patients
Offers Chlamydia Treatment
Offers Gonorrhoea Treatment
Offers Syphilis Treatment
Offers HIV PEP
Confirmatory Testing for HIV, Hepatitis C or Hepatitis B
HIV Management Following Confirmation of Diagnosis
Offers Hepatitis B Vaccinations
Offers Emergency Contraception (Pill)
Offers Emergency Contraception (Coil)
Offers LARC (Implants)
Offers LARC (Coil)
Offers General Contraception (inc. Depo Injection)
Offers Drug Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Alcohol Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Chemsex Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Young Person’s Services (for 16-17s)
Offers Young Person’s Services (under 16s)
Health Adviser Support Available