Please note that we do not hold any smartkits! Our clinics will provide you with accurate information, confidential care and support for all aspects of your sexual health. We offer the full range of sexual health services including testing for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and contraception. The quickest way to book an appointment for the Florey Clinic is through Lilie Hub. Appointments are released daily at 8am. If it states ‘No clinics found’ please try again the following day. Alternatively you can call reception however they have limited access to book these appointments and the quickest way is through the Lilie hub. If you: require emergency contraception are under 18 have been sexually assaulted think you have been in contact with HIV then please call the Florey Clinic on 0118 322 7202. The Trust operates a zero tolerance policy to aggression.
0118 322 7202
Book Appointment
Royal Berkshire Florey Clinic Website
Offers Asymptomatic Screening
Services for Symptomatic MSM/Trans Patients
Services for Symptomatic MSW Patients
Services for Symptomatic Female Patients
Offers Chlamydia Treatment
Offers Gonorrhoea Treatment
Offers Syphilis Treatment
Confirmatory Testing for HIV, Hepatitis C or Hepatitis B
HIV Management Following Confirmation of Diagnosis
Offers Hepatitis B Vaccinations
Offers Emergency Contraception (Pill)
Offers Emergency Contraception (Coil)
Offers General Contraception (inc. Depo Injection)
Offers Drug Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Alcohol Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Chemsex Support Services
We will help you access the appropriate local services.
Offers Young Person’s Services (for 16-17s)
Offers Young Person’s Services (under 16s)
Health Adviser Support Available