Natural family planning advice | NHS Contraception

What is it?

  • A method where a woman monitors her body’s natural fertility indicators during her monthly cycle. These show when you can have sex without risking pregnancy (non-fertile time) and when you should avoid sex (fertile time).

How does it work

  • By monitoring your body temperature, vaginal discharge and the length of your cycle you can tell when you are fertile and when you are not. Natural family planning can be more effective when using fertility indicator devices (such as Persona)which monitors changes in the urine, saliva and body temperature.

What’s great about it?

  • In a year if this method is used correctly and consistently only up to five women in 100 will become pregnant. It is often not used correctly which results in more women falling pregnant (24 in 100)
  • Involves no hormones so. no side effects, and periods are not affected.
  • Gives a woman a greater awareness of her body.
  • Can also be used to plan a pregnancy.

What's not so great about it?

  • It’s not as effective in real life as other methods but it’s better than using nothing.
  • Need to avoid sex (or use a condom) at fertile times of the month.
  • It takes 3–6 period cycles to learn your fertile times accurately and you have to keep daily records.

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